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Italian Beef Stew with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Basil will be a hitting with beefiness stew fans, and this recipe is depression-carb, Keto, and gluten-free. You lot can make this with pesto from a jar if you lot don't want to buy fresh basil.

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Italian Beef Stew with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Basil finished stew in serving bowls

Years agone I posted Leftover Roast Beef Stew, and that recipe was definitely the inspiration for this Italian Beef Stew with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Basil. Just let's face it, now that beef is a lot more expensive most people don't accept leftover roast beef all that often, am I correct?

So this updated Italian beef stew starts with chuck roast that'due south simmered with tomatoes, herbs, and beef stock to tenderize the meat. And then onions, peppers, zucchini, and mushrooms are each briefly sauteed and added to the stew. It's finished with chopped fresh basil, chopped basil in a tube, frozen basil, or purchased basil pesto, whichever works for you lot.

This stew has all the Italian flavors I love, hope you'll requite it a try! And this reheats very well, so don't be afraid to make the full recipe fifty-fifty if you're non cooking for that many people.

What ingredients practice you need?

  • chuck roast
  • Olive Oil (chapter link)
  • salt and fresh ground black pepper to flavor meat
  • canned beef broth (affiliate link) or beef stock
  • canned petite diced tomatoes
  • Italian Herb Seasoning (affiliate link)
  • ground fennel (affiliate link) (probably optional, but recommended)
  • onion
  • green pepper
  • zucchini
  • mushrooms,
  • chopped fresh basil or Basil Pesto (affiliate link)
  • good quality Balsamic Vinegar (affiliate link) to drizzle on at the table, optional

What adds the Italian Flavors in this Italian Beef Stew?

This tasty Italian Beef Stew is loaded with Italian flavors from olive oil, tomatoes, Italian Herb Seasoning, ground fennel, and of course basil! And please don't skip the footing fennel; that's an essential flavor in this recipe.

Do y'all take to cook the vegetables separately for Italian Beef Stew?

Cooking the vegetables separately and adding them at the terminate keeps them firmer and more flavorful in the finished stew, and adding the basil or basil pesto at the finish keeps that flavor stiff in the finished dish.

Desire more tasty ideas for depression-carb and keto stew?

You tin apply Low-Carb and Keto Stew Recipes to observe more ideas similar this 1 to make for cold-weather dinners!

Paleo Italian Beef Stew with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Basil process shots collage

How to Make Italian Beef Stew with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Basil:

(Scroll down for complete printable recipe with nutritional data.)

  1. Trim the beef and cut into cubes slightly over an inch foursquare.
  2. Brown beefiness in a little olive oil, seasoning with salt and pepper to taste, and then add to stew pot.
  3. Deglaze the frying pan with the beef stock and add together to stew pot with the Italian Herb Seasoning (affiliate link), ground fennel (chapter link), and canned petite dice tomatoes.
  4. Permit simmer on medium low 60 minutes, or slightly longer if the meat doesn't seem tender.
  5. When you lot're prepare to finish the stew, heat another teaspoon of olive oil and saute the chopped onions and peppers and add them to the stew.
  6. Add a bit more oil, dark-brown the zucchini, and add it to the stew.
  7. Then heat the final teaspoon of olive oil, brown the mushrooms, and add them to the stew.
  8. Simmer about 15 minutes, then add together the basil and melt a few minutes more.
  9. Serve hot, with a little balsamic vinegar to drizzle on at the table if you'd like.

Italian Beef Stew with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Basil show in two serving bowls with spoons

More Tasty Dinners with Italian Flavors:

Italian Sausage Stew

Italian Sausage and Sweetness Mini Peppers Canvass Pan Repast

White Edible bean Soup with Italian Sausage, Zucchini, and Basil

Weekend Food Prep:

This recipe has been added to a category called Weekend Food Prep to help you lot discover recipes yous tin prep or cook on the weekend and eat during the week!


  • 2 lbs. chuck roast (subsequently trimming) cut into cubes slightly larger than one inch
  • 5  tsp. olive oil
  • salt and fresh basis black pepper to season meat
  • two 14 oz.tin beefiness broth (run across notes)
  • 2 14.5 oz. cans petite diced tomatoes with juice
  • 1 T Italian Herb Blend
  • one tsp. ground fennel seed (probably optional, but recommended)
  • 1 medium onion, chopped into 1/2 inch dice
  • 1 large green pepper chopped into ane/2 inch die
  • two small zucchini, ends trimmed and so cut into half lengthwise and sliced into thick slices
  • 1/ii lb. (or more) mushrooms, washed and cutting in thick slices or half slices (see notes)
  • four T chopped fresh basil (see notes)
  • adept quality balsamic vinegar to drizzle on at the table, optional


  1. Trim the chuck roast and cut into cubes. Heat the 2 teaspoons of olive oil in a big non-stick pan (I used this one) and dark-brown the beef cubes over medium-high heat until the meat is browned on all sides, about 10-fifteen minutes.
  2. Flavour the meat with table salt and fresh-footing black pepper equally it cooks. Don't blitz this step; browning the meat adds flavor.
  3. Add the browned meat to the stew pot. (I would use a cast-fe or enamel coated dutch oven if y'all have ane.)
  4. Add one can of beef broth to the frying pan and melt a minute, scraping with a turner to loosen the browned bits of meat that stick to the pan, and so add that to the stew pot along with the other tin of beef broth.
  5. Add together the petite dice tomatoes with juice, Italian Herb Blend (affiliate link), and ground fennel and stir.
  6. Plow rut to medium-low and simmer 60 minutes, or slightly longer if the meat doesn't experience tender when you pierce it with a fork.
  7. While the stew simmers, peel and chop the onion and cut out the stalk and seeds of the green pepper and chop. Cut ends off the zucchini, cut in half lengthwise, and cut into thick slices.
  8. Wash mushrooms (in a salad spinner (affiliate link) if you lot accept ane) or rinse in a colander in the sink and absorb dry, and cut mushrooms into thick slices or one-half slices,
  9. When you're ready to finish the stew, rut 1 tsp. olive oil in the frying pan, add the onions and dark-green peppers and cook a few minutes over medium-high heat, then add together them to the stew.
  10. Heat the 2d teaspoon of olive oil, add together the zucchini and melt until it'south slightly browned on both sides, and so add to stew. So add the mushroom slices, cook until they take released their liquid and are starting to brown, then add to stew.
  11. Simmer about 15 minutes, then add the chopped basil and melt a few minutes more.
  12. Serve hot, with a practiced quality balsamic vinegar to drizzle on at the table if you lot'd similar.

Nutrition Information:



Serving Size:


Amount Per Serving: Calories: 348 Full Fat: 14g Saturated Fat: 5g Unsaturated Fat: 8g Cholesterol: 125mg Sodium: 1810mg Carbohydrates: 10g Fiber: 2g Saccharide: 7g Protein: 47g

Nutrition information is automatically calculated by the Recipe Plug-In I am using. I am not a nutritionist and cannot guarantee 100% accurateness, since many variables bear upon those calculations.

Italian Beef Stew with Zucchini, Mushrooms, and Basil square image of two bowls of stew

Low-Carb Diet / Depression-Glycemic Diet / South Embankment Diet Suggestions:
This tasty Italian Beef Stew is low-carb, Keto, gluten-gratuitous and canonical for all phases of the original S Beach nutrition.

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Use Soup or Stew Recipes to find more recipes like this one.Use the Diet Type Index to find recipes suitable for a specific eating plan.  Or Follow Kalyn's Kitchen on Pinterest to see all the skillful recipes I'thousand sharing there.

Historical Notes for this Recipe:
This recipe was posted in 2017. It was last updated with more information in 2021.

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